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Family Home Reviews

Why This Family Loves Our Samsung Family Hub

Samsung Family Hub

Samsung Family Hub NY Daddy Blogger Samsung Family Hub NY Daddy Blogger Menswear Blogger Samsung Family Hub Samsung Family Hub Menswear Blogger

Since I bought my house 6 years ago I have done one to two projects every year around the house and little by little we’re finally making it our own. One of the first things we bought upon moving in were new appliances. The thought of using someone else’s appliances kind of skeeved us out…plus they were pretty beat up. We bought a base model stainless steel refrigerator, stove & dishwasher. The fridge we purchased didn’t have any features except a water/ice maker. Yeah, from the start it was definitely an upgrade from the pre-existing fridge, but I can’t tell you how bummed I am that we wasted our money on this basic unreliable fridge. The ice maker broke in the 3rd year and the drawers started falling apart shortly after. Plus, after we had finally gotten to redoing our kitchen, we wished we had went with a better looking model because our new kitchen looked amazing but the appliances just didn’t have that same wow factor!

So, when I got the opportunity to get my hands on the new Samsung Family Hub Smart Refrigerator I was ecstatic! The first thing you notice when you see this fridge is the 21.5″ touchscreen. It definitely has to be one my (and the rest of my family’s) favorite features…not just because of how cool it looks, but because of all the features it now brings into your home. When I walk into my kitchen, the Family Hub is one of the first things that grabs my attention. To be honest, even though this fridge has more cubic feet than my last fridge, when I first opened it I thought it was going to be too small for me. I think the fact that there is a separate drawer (called the Flex Zone) makes the size seem a little deceptive. However, I was completely wrong about the size. The way the fridge is set up allowing you to be able to customize the shelves and drawers really helps you keep everything inside the fridge organized and creates even more space! Honestly…it’s definitely helped to eliminate those “babe, where’s the mayo” moments LOL. Not only does my Samsung Family Hub have a water and ice dispenser, but it also comes with a built-in water pitcher that you can set to auto refill when you put it back in it’s spot! The pitcher also has a flavor infuser built in, which I love. Give me ice cold cucumber-flavored water any hot summer day!

So this might be a little weird and out of the ordinary, but what I use our Family Hub the most for (besides keeping my food cold & organized) is for my workouts. Yes, my workouts! I usually go to the gym for about a half hour and work on a specific body part while I’m there, but then when I get home, after I play with Nate for a little, I always do an at-home WOD (workout of the day). Using the Family Hub’s wifi enabled touchscreen, I go to the Pinterest app and search for workouts. I then create a to-do list with my workout. This way I’m able to save it for another day and I’m able to cross off the exercises as they’re completed. I used to have a drawer full of papers with all of my workout lists, but it’s safe to say I’ve since thrown those out. This is much more efficient for sure! I then go to one of the many music apps to stream some music to get me pumped, like iHeartRADIO.

One of my other favorite features is the Shopping List app. This is an all-around family favorite! I hate going to the supermarket and hate wasting an hour or two with the whole process in general, so anything that can help speed it up is a win. Once you download the hub’s shopping list app on your phone, it all gets synced up. This allows you to create a shopping list which will then show up on the hub, my phone, and my wife’s phone. When anyone edits the list it will update across all devices! Now when you’re doing your shopping, as you grab what you need, you can cross it off the list and it will cross off on everyone’s list. It’s amazing! This way we can split up the shopping and really cut our time in half. No more screaming across the store, “babe, grab bananas”, or “did you get the milk?!” LOL. If I’m at the supermarket alone, while my wife’s at home, she just adds new grocery items she remembers to the hub app and it will pop up on my phone. We really love it!

The app will also take things like strawberries and let you know that in 2 days they are going to go bad. These little reminders are super cool because in the past we’ve definitely wasted way too much fruit in this house, but since the hub have become a lot more aware of our fridge items. Did I mention I can also see inside my fridge from the outside? If I’m at the store and can’t remember if I’m low on mike, I can just view the inside of my fridge on my phone and check. My family hub has 3 interior cameras that takes a photo every-time I close the door and keeps me up to date!

There are seriously so many cool features to my Samsung Family Hub, that I could go on and on, but another one of my faves is the Memos app. I hate waking up so early to go to work and leaving my family without getting a chance to talk or say goodbye in the morning before I leave. So I love that I can quickly type them a cute note that will show right on the fridge’s screen. It might just say “I love you” or “Sorry, I’m busy, but I’ll call you later” or silly things, but just knowing I was able to drop them a line for them to know I’m thinking about them makes me feel better and they love getting my surprise notes throughout the day!

We seriously love our Samsung Family Hub and little by little are incorporating more and more features into our everyday routines. Besides keeping us all connected and making some of our tasks a lot easier, overall we just feel more organized. And in this house with all the running around we do, between work, blog projects, events, everyday commitments & activities and just life in general, feeling more organized and connected definitely helps keep you feeling on task and able to get things done a lot quicker!


Reviews Style

Sips, Eats & Rewards

NY Lifestyle Blogger

NY Lifestyle Blogger NY Menswear Blogger NY Lifestyle Blogger NY Menswear Blogger NY Lifestyle Blogger NY Lifestyle Blogger NY Lifestyle Blogger NY Lifestyle Blogger NY Lifestyle BloggerThese days I rarely carry cash on me. I use my debit card and credit cards for everything. So when using a card, I want to make sure I pick one that has the best incentives and rewards. When the wife and I are out shooting on the weekends we tend to eat out a lot, kind of as a reward for the work we’re doing, and to make it feel like more of a nice day out rather than just a work day. I recently came across the Uber Visa Card and saw that when dining out, you get 4% cash back*! Besides restaurants, it also includes takeout, bars, and even Uber Eats. That would make me feel a lot better about having ice cream (LOL).

With the Uber Visa Card you can also get 3% back on hotels and airfare*, 2% back on eligible online purchases*, and 1% back on everything else*. I love cards like this because if you pay your balance off on time every month, this is just like free money! Now you can take this card and then find other sites that also offer cash back and double your savings.

Cash back is just one of the perks. The Uber Visa Card also offers $600 phone protection if you pay your phone bill with the card*. Honestly, this alone is going to get me to apply for the card. I always have my phone bill on autopay with my credit card, and I also misplace my phone about 5 times a day. It’s a guarantee that eventually I’m going to lose my phone (LOL). This phone protection gives me a little piece of mind.

I also love that there are no foreign transaction fees*. I travel outside the U.S. at least 2 times every year and I’m always turned off when credit cards charge you these extra fees. They make me feel like I’m being taken advantage of and usually make me cancel the card and look for one without extra charges like these or annual fees. Guess this card is officially in the running for my new go-to credit card!

* Terms Apply. Please review the FAQS and Rewards Summary for important information about program benefits and features listed above and the Terms and Conditions for full details about the rewards benefits (such as how points are earned), interest rates and account fees and terms for this particular offer before applying.

Family Reviews Style

Fall Twinning in Old Navy

NY Daddy Blogger

NY Daddy Blogger NY Daddy Blogger Father and Son Old Navy Outfits NY Daddy Blogger Father and Son Old Navy Outfits Father and Son Old Navy Outfits NY Daddy Blogger NY Daddy Blogger NY Daddy Blogger NY Daddy Blogger Men's Fall Outfit NY Daddy Blogger NY Daddy BloggerBack to school season is here and it’s just as exciting as when Nate started kindergarten last year. He’s moved onto the first grade and is officially a pro at the back-to-school routine. It’s so crazy how fast time is flying! Summer coming to an end is always bitter-sweet. We’re all going to miss those long, hot days, but there is also so much to look forward to in the upcoming months. I’ve been trying to remind Nate that as he’s overcoming his first week back blues. He likes school, but everyone dreads the rigid routine!

One thing that always gets me excited is shopping for the new seasons. We partnered up with Old Navy to show you some cool fall colors and alternate denim options. We went all in for fall and opted for colors that remind us of the changing of the leaves. That is one of the prettiest things about fall! Our last coordinating outfit from Old Navy was somewhat collegiate and sporty, so we decided to switch things up a bit and go for a little grunge. Nate and I are all about that street style!

I really love how I was able to find almost the exact mini-me look for Nate, to coordinate with my outfit. I can’t express enough how cool I feel when we’re walking down the street and we hear the people complimenting us both on how cute we look together. No matter how good I think I look when I’m walking solo, I can’t buy a compliment LOL, but when we’re in our matching Old Navy outfits, they are just thrown our way. Haha.

We started our looks with matching black denim jackets. I wore the Built-In Flex Black Denim Jacket which has just the right amount of give in the denim, and Nate wore the 2-in-1 Hooded 24/7 Black Denim jacket. For me, I actually don’t like wearing denim jackets with built-in hoodies, but for Nathan I think they’re perfect! They give that little bit of grunge vibes that we like, but don’t add that bulkiness that will make him uncomfortable. I really like how Old Navy uses the exact color tones in both the Men’s and Boy’s collections. If you look at our outfits you would think that we’re wearing the exact same pieces, but really it’s just the exact same colors!

I love the tobacco leaf color of this Pullover Hoodie and Nate’s matching Color-Blocked Thermal-Knit Raglan Tee. The colors are described differently…Nate’s is Golden Brown, but they literally match to a Tee! Get it? LOL (corny dad joke alert) The one thing I love about Old Navy is that I always feel super comfortable in their clothes. You know when you have to go out, but are in no mood to get dressed up and just feel like wearing sweats? In these cases I always end up throwing on an Old Navy look instead. I get that same kind of comfort, without the sloppiness of sweats! I’m pretty sure it’s because a lot of their pieces have the built-in flex. Nate loves it and I can definitely see why. The Relaxed Slim Khakis are just what I’m talking about and with the Warm Bread color, this look can’t get any more fall! Now every time I see this color I think of warm banana bread, which is my favorite, and it always has me craving a piece LOL. Nate wore the Karate Built-In Flex Slim Jeans, that he calls his “comfy pants”. We have yet to tell him that they are actually brown jeans! haha We always have a hard time getting him to wear jeans because he associates denim as a stiff & uncomfortable material, so we’ll just stick with also calling these his “comfy pants”. I mean I love all kinds of denim, but I totally understand how an active little boy might hate wearing traditional denim, that’s why the built-in flex is perfect for him!

What do you think of our twinning Old Navy looks? Comment on our post if you’re a dad that likes matching your little man!

Family Reviews Style

Struttin’ the Boardwalk in OppoSuits

NY Menswear Blogger

NY Menswear Blogger NY Menswear Blogger NY Menswear Blogger NY Menswear Blogger NY Menswear Blogger NY Menswear Blogger NY Menswear Blogger NY Menswear Blogger

Going to different summer events like BBQ’s and parties are fun, but I’m always looking for new ways to make a statement and have a little more fun dressing up. Sometimes it’s even fun making weekend activities and adventures into an outing that feels event-like just by dressing up. Nate and I teamed up with OppoSuits to show you their bold and fun suits to make your next event a memorable one and show up making a statement. OppoSuits makes both long and short sleeve suits with fun patterns and colors with all types of themes. You can get an assortment of solid colors like pink, blue and yellow or fun patterns like pineapples and flamingos, or you can even get holiday specific suits. They have a suit for every occasion you can think of. Besides making mens and kids suits, they also make suits for woman as well…which I think is pretty rad!

I actually let Nate pic our matching suits and I thought for sure he was going to go with the super hero, but I think mommy rubbed off on him and he went with a colorful 90’s pattern suit. Even though I dug his choice, I could tell right away that no matter what suit we chose, when we threw on these matching outfits we were for sure going to turn some heads! (and we did) The first thing I thought of when I saw this suit was Saved by the Bell. I guess that would make Nate Zack. But does that make me Screech or A.C. Slater? LOL I’m hoping A.C.

This past weekend we wanted to head down to Coney Island for the day and take Nate on some rides at Luna Park, so I felt like it would be a fun opportunity to make going to an amusement park a little more fun by gettin’ dressed up in our Testival suits! I could not believe how many people came up to us saying how much they liked our outfits and how cute we looked. We looked like we knew how to party! LOL To be honest, at first, I was a little nervous on how Nate was going to react in his louder than normal attire. I feel like now that he’s getting older I notice he can tend to get embarrassed when he thinks he might garner some extra attention. However, he wasn’t phased at all! He was just strutting down the boardwalk like it was his runway!

I really like the fact that the suit I wore came with shorts, a short-sleeve jacket, and a tie…which makes it perfect for summer events. They also had the same suit in long sleeve as well. I really liked how the shorts fit and I can see myself wearing this shorts pattern with a solid top in more of my day-to-day fits as well. I’m not afraid of the bold colors from time to time!

We really had such a fun day in Coney Island last weekend, and I honestly think dressing up bold and colorful and twinning with my mini-me played a part. It just made the day feel a little more festive! Check out OppoSuits for more fun prints. I’m also diggin’ the pineapples and palm trees!

Family Reviews Style

Back-2-School (denim) Blues

Old Navy Father & Son Outfit

Old Navy Father & Son Outfit Old Navy Father & Son Outfit Old Navy Father & Son Outfit Old Navy Father & Son Outfit NY Men's Lifestyle Blogger NY Men's Lifestyle Blogger Old Navy Boys Outfit Old Navy Father & Son Outfit NY Men's Lifestyle Blogger Old Navy Father & Son Outfit

This time of year is always so confusing for me because I have so many mixed emotions. I’m bummed summer is almost over and the days are slowly starting to get shorter and darker, and I’m also kind of sad that Nate will be going back to school. I know a lot of parents are always ready for their kids to go back, but I like knowing he’s home. I like the fact that he can miss a day of sports camp if he feels like it, or if we take him somewhere fun, and it’s also nice for him to be able to just have a relaxing day at home with his Nanny. I think I just dread the rigid school routine for him! But, I’m also excited for fall. It’s always such a fun time of year together getting to go apple picking, pumpkin picking, and let’s not forget apple cider donuts LOL. But before fall, I guess the best part of the end of summer is getting to go back-to-school shopping and the start of football season!

Nate is now old enough where he actually gets into the back-to-school shopping spirit…and of course has become a football fanatic, so heading to Old Navy is the perfect place for us both to get some new looks and some sports tees! Old Navy’s 24/7 denim is the perfect jean to wear whenever I’m with Nate. They’re a great looking denim, and have that super-stretch technology to them, perfect for the random play sessions we always tend to have whenever we’re out. Nate is finally starting to appreciate clothes and definitely likes to pick out some unique pieces, but his favorite is usually anything that has to do with sports! And like any smart man, comfort is most important to him.

I have always been a sucker for varsity style shirts. It might be due to the fact that I know my wife thinks I look sexy in them. Her words, not mine! LOL But hey, if the misses likes it, I would be a fool not to wear something she likes me in. They are perfect for adding a little something to a super casual and comfortable outfit to help elevate the look. I went with the Coast to Coast Varsity Style Graphic Tee. I dig the graphics and love the blue color! To color-match with daddy, Nate went with the Carolina Tar Heels Graphic Tee. I might’ve pushed Nate towards this tee because I think the baby blue is one of my favorite colors and as long as it had to do with sports, Nate was in! Matching our blue sporty tees with our 24/7 denim was a cool way to coordinate together without going too matchy, matchy this time around. Don’t get me wrong, I love twinning with Nate, but sometimes I think he’d rather not LOL He’s getting too cool for school this kid!

I can never have enough denim in my closet. I might have at least 10 different kinds of denim jackets, and I’m all for adding in another! I wore the Old Navy Denim Trucker Jacket (in light wash) over my tee. The trucker style denim has just a slightly tougher, more vintage vibe, than a regular denim and is a good way to change things up from a regular denim if you’re a denim jacket lover like myself. Nate paired his NCAA tee with the Color-Block Raglan Track Jacket (in light heather grey). What sucked us in on the track jacket was really the blue stripes on the end of the sleeves. These little details give the jacket that little bit of a vintage touch that we both like! The Karate Built-In Flex jeans has the perfect fit for Nate’s style. Since his legs are so skinny, it’s always hard to find a jean that fits his legs, so the slimmer the better. This way when hes running around like a mad man his pants aren’t flapping around, and they just look cool. Plus, that bit of stretch keeps it comfy for him just the way he likes!

Whenever we’re out and about shooting or running errands, we always like to find something or somewhere to surprise Nate with to reward him for his good behavior. This time we popped into the high school to have a little one on one, 2 hand touch. He got a kick out of being able to run around on the turf, juking daddy, while trying to make a touchdown. I swear, this kid’s spiral is so much better than mine!

Family Reviews Style Travel

Aruba, One Happy Island

La Cabana Aruba

Menswear Travel Blogger Menswear Travel Blogger La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba Menswear Travel Blogger Travel Blogger Family Travel Blogger Family Travel Blogger Family Menswear Travel Blogger Menswear Travel Blogger Travel Blogger Family Menswear Travel Blogger Travel Blogger Family Travel Blogger Family La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba De Palm Island Aruba De Palm Island Aruba De Palm Island Aruba De Palm Island Aruba De Palm Island Aruba De Palm Island Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba Flying Fishbone Aruba Flying Fishbone Aruba Flying Fishbone Aruba Flying Fishbone Aruba Flying Fishbone Aruba Flying Fishbone Aruba Flying Fishbone Aruba Flying Fishbone Aruba Flying Fishbone Aruba Flying Fishbone Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba La Cabana Aruba

Aruba will always have a special place in my heart. It was here, 8 years ago, that I made the smartest decision of my life…I asked my wife Sarina to marry me. It was nice to finally be able to go back and this time, bring Nate along with us, to share our love of this beautiful island! For the accommodations, we partnered up with La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino. It’s a modern resort with some really great amenities, and right across from the famous Eagle Beach. The room we stayed in gave us an amazing view of the ocean, and even though the resort was technically across the street from the beach, it didn’t really feel like it was because it was still a super close walk to get to the beach. The room was very spacious with all the modern touches. It had a full kitchen, a bedroom with barn doors, a huge balcony with outdoor seating, a couch that opened up to a bed in the living room as well as another couch and plenty of closets. Which is also a plus for us because we definitely all pack on the heavy side LOL…especially me!

Eagle Beach is a public beach, but La Cabana guests were met at the beach by an employee and once you showed them your resort wristband they set you up with chairs & your own straw cabana. They also had a cute tiki bar right on the beach so we didn’t have to walk far for our pina coladas! The pool was really big, had a beautiful waterfall, a volleyball net and even a water slide, which we loved! One step away from the pool was the bar and literally another step away was their on site Islander Grill. Inside the hotel lobby I was pleasantly surprised to find there was an on-site Cinnabon! I couldn’t believe it. My family and I are obsessed with Cinnabon so we were kind of in heaven and actually ended up eating it every morning for breakfast LOL. There was also a gift shop/convenience store right in the lobby that had some tourist knick knacks, as well as drinks, snacks, and even some booze, which always comes in handy! There was also a jewelry store, a lotion shop, and though I’m not much of a Gambler, I know a lot of you will be happy to hear they have a casino right on-site as well!

The first day at La Cabana we did our usual and just hung around the resort. All of our vacations usually start with us waking up at 3am to get to the airport, so we’re all usually pretty wiped the first day, so we try and not go too crazy with exploring. We went straight to the ocean, grabbed a pina, got our little hut and just relaxed. It was great, because there were enough huts for everybody and also still enough empty beach that Nate and I could find room to throw the football and frisbee around without disturbing anybody, so it was perfect. Nate and I get antsy if we lay around for too long, so we like to stay active. The ocean was a beautiful turquoise…just as you would expect from the Caribbean. The one little bummer was that there was no snorkeling at the beach. That was the one disappointment I had with Aruba. Compared to other islands I’ve been to, the snorkeling just did not compare. Don’t get me wrong, the water is beautiful, but I’m kind of a snorkeling snob you might say HAHA and love when we can do it straight from the shore. After the beach we spent the rest of the day chillin’ at the pool, with happy hour & more pina coladas 🙂 and then got ready for dinner at their on-site restaurant, Las Ramblas. The food there was SPECTACULAR! We all really enjoyed not only our meals, but the whole experience. All the seating was outside on a cute patio with beautiful string lights above you, and a musician playing the guitar and singing while you ate. As weird as people might think it is, escargot is one of those dishes for me that if it’s on the menu, I have to order it! So, I was pretty excited to see it on there and even more excited that it was soooooo good. Nate was dying to eat lobster. He had tried it once before and ever since has fallen in love with it LOL. Even though they didn’t have lobster tail on the menu, they made it for him! I could not believe how fast he scarfed it down. The waitress was even shocked that his little body finished the entire dish! I had a perfectly cooked T-bone steak with chimichurri sauce, and my wife had the shrimp. For dessert, we had the creme brulee…which is one of my favorite desserts to order when I’m out to dinner. There’s just something about cracking the top of that custard that just gets me every time! This place was amazing. We had such an unforgettable dinner here! It’s always a plus when your resort had an incredible restaurant right on the property!

The second day we took our time getting out of the hotel and relaxed by the pool in the morning.But later in the day, we headed off to a snorkel trip with Red Sail Sports. They took us out on a really cool catamaran, the staff was amazing and the drinks were delicious…stiff LOL. Unfortanetly again, compared to the other islands we have been to, the snorkeling was a little disappointing. There weren’t as much fish or coral as we are used to seeing on. The second stop was at a shipwreck, which might have been cool to see but Aruba is very windy (which is great for battling the sun and cooling you off) but when in the ocean, it can make it pretty choppy. Nate couldn’t even get into the water to snorkel and the waves made the water a little foggy so you couldn’t really see the ship. I was able to dive down enough to see part of it so it was still pretty amazing to see, but again, not as visible as we had hoped for. We still ended up having a great time, but would have loved seeing some more fish. Our vacations never feel complete unless we take a boat out on a tour, so I’m still happy we went. We still had a blast!

The pool at La Cabana didn’t close until 10pm, so every night we made sure we went in for a late night dip. It’s starting to become a nightly tradition on all of our family trips, so we always make sure to find out the pool hours before deciding on a hotel. Once out of the pool, Nate always asked us if we could play checkers or chess on the oversized lawn sets. He loves these giant boards! I taught Nate how to play chess and was shocked at how quickly he picked it up! A lot quicker than my wife did! LOL

The next morning we made our way to De Palm Island. Normally you get picked up from your resort and brought to the ferry, but we decided to take our rental car so we could do some sight seeing after. While waiting for the ferry the wind decided it was going to take one of my favorite hats for a little ride, so I had to jump off the pier and into the water to find it. Luckily the water was so clear it was an easy find and was actually a really nice swim! Hang on to your hats in Aruba! De Palm Island has a really fun water park on the island, which is actually where we spent most of our time. Nate was a little hesitant at first but once he got warmed up to it, we could not get him off the water slides. He LOVED it! They had something for everyone. Little slides for Nate, medium slides for wifey and big slides for daddy LOL. Even my mother-in-law went down a few. The island is all-inclusive, so you can get all the adult beverages and non-alcoholic drinks you want, as well as food from the buffet and grill. We had burgers, hotdogs, and fries for lunch, and of course some pina coladas 🙂 After lunch we went to their snorkel section, which is where we saw the most fish during our trip. They had tons of blueish purple parrot fish and some of them were huge! Nate loved chasing them around. One of my favorite things on De Palm Island was the zip line. I had never tried it and had always wanted to, and it was everything I thought it would be…tons of fun! The island so fun. You could easily spend the whole day here, and I think Nate would’ve if we let him. He was obsessed with the little water park and still talks about it. It’s definitely a fun day with the kids if you head to Aruba!

After the island we did some site seeing. We stopped at Lucy’s Retired Surfers Bar & Restaurant in Oranjestad. It was a really cool and fun spot and we loved the beachy atmosphere! Nate ordered a drink that came with a little story and a cool shark surprise. I don’t want to ruin it but if you have kids definitely stop in and order the Little Shark Attack! Even though we just stopped in for a pina colada, I couldn’t help but to order some fish tacos. The great thing about Aruba is that there is a ton to do and a lot of shops to walk around. I love checking out the watch/jewelry stores as well as the little local spots. I grabbed my Aruba dad hat and Nate grabbed his Aruba shirt, which is our new tradition whenever we visit a new destination.

On our last day of vacation, we usually always just stick around the hotel and relax. My wife Sarina and I got an amazing couples massage at the Citro Spa which is just past the pool and bar. I made sure to grab a drink on the way…hey I’m on vacation! Now I haven’t received a lot of massages in my life, so I’m no guru, but OMG this hit the spot. It was exactly what my wife and I needed to end our trip. It was so relaxing and was nice enjoying my first massage with her right next to me. We might have to make this another vacay tradition! We spent the rest of the day swimming and enjoying the water slide. We were pretty excited to have reservations at the Flying Fishbone for dinner on our last night. Even though it’s a 45 minute drive from La Cabana, it is well worth the trip! The food is out of this would and if you’re lucky enough to call in advance and get reservations, you can get a table where your feet are right in the water while you eat! That’s right, they offer beach dining at it’s best. Besides having a table right on the beach, they have a few that are right in the water. Watching the sunset and Nate feeding the fish along with some amazing food made this one of the most memorable dinners I have ever had. Back to the sunset though, it was absolutely gorgeous. I actually got engaged about 50ft from where we ate so it was a little nostalgic being back to this part of Aruba. Flying Fishbone is just incredible. You have to eat here if you visit Aruba!

It was such a great trip, and of course, as usual, went by way too fast. The staff at La Cabana were great, the location of the resort was perfect and Joe, their general manager, was the most accommodating to make sure my family and I had such memorable experiences on our short stay with them. Thank you Joe! Ahhh, as I’m writing this, I wish we were back there right now heading to the pool taking our late night family dip together. Make sure you watch our video above to check out all the fun we had. Wishing we were back there right now!

Family Reviews Style

My Shopping Playground

NY Menswear Daddy Blogger

NY Menswear Daddy Blogger Vilebrequin at Woodbury Vilebrequin at Woodbury Vilebrequin at Woodbury Vilebrequin at Woodbury Vilebrequin at Woodbury Vilebrequin at Woodbury Father & Son Oakley Sunglasses Theory at Woodbury Common NY Menswear Daddy Blogger NY Menswear Blogger Theory at Woodbury Theory at Woodbury NY Menswear Blogger NY Menswear Blogger NY Menswear Blogger
Shake Shack at Woodbury
So, I don’t know about you, but I love shopping. I mean, I really LOVE to shop (LOL). But, what I don’t like is spending all of my hard-earned money to get my favorite brands if I don’t have to. So…one of my favorite places to visit is Woodbury Common Premium Outlets in Central Valley, NY. It’s only about 40 minutes from my house (which is great) and we love heading there for the day to find great deals and those pieces I just have to have from my favorite brands. Honestly, I get way too excited anytime we plan a trip there! Haha. For me though, going to Woodbury Common is kind of like going to a different city for the day. We literally make a day out of it. And it you want to visit all 250 different stores, you better plan on making a day of it! I mean they have everything: fashion stores, sports stores, jewelry stores, handbag stores, a playground, food, snack kiosks, a bar…literally everything!

For me, I’m never really able to find any of the brands that I like in most malls near me and unless you live in the city, where you have access to tons of brands, you’re not able to actually try on clothes and really get a vibe on how these brands fit and how they look on you. The great thing about the outlets are that even if you do live in the city where these brands are available, you’re able to find these pieces at a much better price and maybe even get a different selection than your local store might have. I know anytime I leave Woodbury Common, I always have multiple bags in hand. I always luck out there, which is why I’m such a fan! So I was super excited when I got to partner with Woodbury Common Premium Outlets to show you how my family and I spend our day shopping and having some fun!

We started our day by grabbing one of the car buggies for Nate. Even though he has grown out of a stroller, we know a full day on his feet is not the greatest idea. At first, he said he didn’t want it (I think he thinks he’s too old for it), but he quickly changed his mind & wanted to jump in it and have me push him all around. At this point, with the way I shop, I knew I was going to wear him out! (LOL) Not to mention then he can play his tablet games throughout the day and last even longer for daddy. Haha. One of the first shops we stopped at was Vilebrequin. To be honest, it’s not really a brand I knew about or have ever really seen in person but let me tell you…they are now one of my favorite brands! Nate and I found some really fun pieces that were perfect for the summer and I was shocked to find out that they are not just a bathing suit company. Though, their bathing suits are so colorfully fun and have the perfect fit, for both me and Nate! They also have some really cool terrycloth pieces and linens that are right up my alley. Nate and I had a blast trying on all the different pieces! Definitely check them out if you’re not familiar!

When at Woodbury, I always make sure to stop at Vans. I don’t think I have ever been to Woodbury Common and not bought at least one pair of Vans. This time around we picked up 4 pairs…2 for me and 2 for Nate! We even got a matching flame pair which we couldn’t wait to wear, so we threw them on as soon as we left the store. Nate got the high tops and I got my favorite slip-ons. Slip-ons (Vans and other brands included) are definitely a summer staple for me. They’re affordable, comfortable and look good with almost any outfit. If you check out my looks on Instagram, you’ll see what I mean! I found another checkered pair in mustard yellow that I loved, they didn’t have my size, but they were able to order them for me and have it shipped right to my house and I was still was able to get the discount they were offering! I thought that was awesome. Nate was actually also really excited for his new kicks! I love the fact that he is really coming into his own and now picks out the pieces he likes all on his own!

After some more stores, Nate was starting to get a little antsy, so we knew it was time to stop at the park and let him have a little fun. I mean I was having the time of my life, but let’s be honest…just going in and out of stores without a break is not going to be fun for any kid. So, being able to let him get his kicks out and have some fun in the park is a must. We also got to try these cool little treats which I have never seen called Dragon Breath. They were crunchy fruit puffs in some sort of nitrogen substance that when you ate them, allowed you to blow out steam from your nose and mouth. So weird, yet so cool! To be honest, I didn’t love the taste but they were really fun to eat and I’m definitely happy I tried them. Nathan was a bit nervous but eventually came around and gave them a try but I’m not sure he really liked them (LOL). Still something fun to try during our Woodbury outing!

From there I stopped by Club Monaco which is another brand that I have been a huge fan of, but this is the first time I purchased something from them. They’re another brand that have a lot of clean summer-time pieces with great tones. I ended up scoring a great pair of floral shorts that are the perfect length and are made from a cotton/linen blend which is a summer must! The flowers also have some added embroidery on them, which I like, since most of the time they are just a print and that added detail adds some nice texture!

On to more and more and more stores… (I was in shopping heaven)

It was finally Nate’s turn to pick a store and of course he chose Nike! This is another store I never seem to miss when we visit. Although my wife still thinks I’m a shoe fanatic, I’ve definitely toned down a bunch since my sneaker freak days, but I still like to pop in to see what great deals they have! Nate was on the hunt for some football jerseys or cleats, but unfortunately didn’t luck out, but he was super excited to find a really cool mini basketball that was perfect for his little hands. After hours of shopping and him being so well behaved, he deserved it! Plus, getting him that basketball was actually perfect timing because it kept him occupied while mommy and daddy stopped by Black Dirt Bourbon Barn and had a cider! It’s amazing that I go to Woodbury at least 3 times a year and I have never noticed this bar. I believe they said they were pretty new, so I’m sure that’s why. But now it’s definitely going to be part of my Woodbury Common shopping routine! I love the fact that it’s part bar, part liquor store and had some cool bottles of bourbon and a great selection of beer and cider. Make sure you pop in if you visit!

Next shopping stop was UNTUCKit. Their main focus is providing shirts that are designed to fall at the perfect length: whether you let it all hang out or do that slight tuck…there’s none of that sloppy excess bulk! They pretty much only make shirts but did have a few pair of pants available that I got to try on with some of their shirts. They also had a pair of slip-ons there, that of course, I’m always a sucker for! They had some great linen short-sleeve shirts (which you know I’m a fan of) and I scored a clean white linen button down. During the summer, this is another one of my go-tos. I feel like you can throw it on with shorts, jeans, dress pants, almost anything, and it instantly gives you those clean vacay vibes that I love! EXCLUSIVE PROMO ALERT: UNTUCKit is giving all my followers 20% OFF Your Purchase if you mention code PREP20! (expires 7/20/18)

On to more and more and more stores… (still in shopping heaven and Nate and my wife were both still hanging in there with me LOL I always last longer than both of them when shopping at Woodbury!)

One of the last stores I stopped at is one of my favorite brands…Theory. I actually have quite a few pieces from them and they’re definitely pieces I wear over and over and never seem to get sick of. They’re just classic and clean. They had so many great pieces I liked like this stripe on stripe shirt and shorts combo. I’m really into the matching shorts and button-down looks lately but have yet to purchase one until now! I’m all about those matchy-matchy summer vibes, especially in some sort of pattern or print. Even though I went there looking for summer pieces, one of my favorite things to shop for at Woodbury this time of year is leather and suede jackets. This time of year, jackets that are normally really expensive you can score for a 1/4 of the price, and I did! I was so excited when I found this amazing Navy Suede biker jacket. I couldn’t resist! And I don’t even have to wait until fall or winter to rock it, I can actually wear it on cooler summer night with a plain white tee and let the jacket speak for the outfit. I was able to get it for such a great price with the help of the discount Theory is offering my followers. EXCLUSIVE PROMO ALERT: Theory is giving all my followers $50 off purchases of $250 or more! (expires 7/31/18)

Last but not least, it was time for a Wertz family tradition to hit up Shake Shack! This is a must for us to eat at any time we are at Woodbury. Give me a shake burger, bacon-cheese fries and a salted-caramel shake please! NOM NOM NOM So good! Ok, maybe not the last stop, because another one of my favorite stores, All Saints, is right next door! We literally only had 15 minutes left before all the stores were about to close (yep we were here all day & I loved it), but it was just enough time for me to pop in, scout it out and score a really cool suede leopard print card holder! Yeah, I said it…suede leopard print. It’s awesome and was only $15! I also walked away with a burnt orange Hawaiian style shirt. That print just caught my eye and I couldn’t leave without it. Printed flowy button-downs are also a summer staple for me. Whether on vacation or actually any summer weekend, they’re definitely another one of my go-to’s! Check out my instagram (@BlueCollarPrep) looks for some outfit inspo if you’re hesitant on the bold print shirts. I’m a huge fan! I was in such a rush at All Saints, that I didn’t get a chance to shoot and share these pieces with you, but I plan on wearing and shooting these pieces very soon and you’re going to love them!

Once again, I scored some amazing pieces at Woodbury Common Premium Outlets. Like I said…it’s one of my favorite places to shop and I always score unique pieces, from top brands, that are in my budget. I rarely find an entire outfit from one specific store but just love popping into each and (almost) every store, to see what pieces I can find. I don’t know why, but I get such excitement from scoring such a dope piece, that’s on sale (LOL) from some of my favorite brands! Next time you’re looking for that one-stop-shop to get out of your city or town for the day, to do some shopping and eating, try Woodbury! And if you need some store guidance, hit me up, I’m starting to become all too familiar with this place! Haha.

Family Reviews Style

Red, White & (Old) Navy

Old Navy 4th of July Looks

Old Navy 4th of July Looks Old Navy 4th of July Looks Old Navy 4th of July Looks Old Navy 4th of July Looks Old Navy 4th of July Looks Old Navy 4th of July Looks Old Navy 4th of July Looks Old Navy 4th of July Looks Old Navy 4th of July Looks Old Navy 4th of July Looks Old Navy 4th of July Looks Old Navy 4th of July LooksNow that summer has officially kicked off and July is right around the corner, Nate and I can’t wait for July 4th! Nathan is super patriotic and loves all things American, so it was fun to pick out these outfits with him. We teamed up with one of our favorite brands, Old Navy, to get coordinating outfits for July’s BBQ season. With this beautiful NY weather, and school finally out, we can’t help but want to constantly be outside exploring, so we took Nate to a local farm to just roam around and get fresh apple cider donuts. This is normally one of our fall routines, but we were just in the mood to be outside and figured we’d see what goodies we could get this time of year.

On the way to the farm, Nate spotted a huge American Flag on the side of a barn so we had to check it out and take some shots in front of it! Nate and I both wore black (panther) Old Navy shorts. Nate’s wearing the Canvas Cut-Off Shorts and I’m wearing the 6″ Built-In Flex Shorts. I really love the length of these shorts and love the fact that Old Navy has so many different lengths to choose from. I like my shorts on the short side, and they aren’t always easy to find. I know a lot of guys don’t feel comfortable wearing a shorter length, so it’s nice that Old Navy provides different length options! Vintage style band shirts will never go out of style. They’re just classic! They have a vintage American feel that is perfect for those summer time vibes. The pairing of my Rolling Stones 3/4-Sleeve Tee with the slightly distressed black color shorts and these Round Top-Bar Sunglasses with the blue mirrored lens had me feeling like a summer time rock star!

Nate paired his panther shorts with the Soft-Washed Printed Mini Blue Stripe shirt which has a seersucker kind of stripe and an American Flag peace sign. I have to say, the only thing I don’t like about this shirt is that they don’t make a matching shirt for men! I love it. Nate actually has an Old Navy jacket from last season with the same peace sign and I love that on too! Of course he had to have the American Flag Sunglasses (unfortunately they’re sold out, but still might be in your local Old Navy) to match our Americana outfits and I think it was just what he needed to play up those USA vibes!

We are both officially ready for the 4th of July. Hope everyone has a happy and safe one!

Family Reviews Style Travel

Our Mini Getaway with Oyster Bay

Oyster Bay

Family Lifestyle Blogger Family Lifestyle Blogger NY Daddy Blogger Family Lifestyle Blogger Oyster Bay Family Lifestyle Blogger Oyster Bay Daddy Blogger Men's Lifestyle Blog Family Lifestyle Blogger

Father’s Day is a special day for me. Having lost my father at a young age, it means a lot to be able to do the things I wish I could do with my father, with my son. Not to mention, what’s better than getting to spend the full day with my family, and getting to do whatever I choose for us to do. As Nate would say, “It’s your day, Daddy!”. I love hearing him call me daddy. Even though he’s almost 6 already, hearing his little voice say “daddy” will never get old, and still touches me the way it did when he said it for the very first time. I’m a mush for this kid!

Honestly, for me, what I love doing most is pretty simple – it’s really just being able to have a day, with no distractions, and getting to enjoy my little family. We decided to do a little local getaway, to make it feel like we were on a true vacation, and to get us away from the house distractions. Instead of heading to the city like we normally do, my wife booked us a room at The Time Hotel in Nyack, NY. Nyack is a cute little town right by the Hudson River, and has this really cool modern-style hotel (The Time) just blocks from the town. As soon as we got there, I had already forgotten we were just 45 minutes from home and immediately felt like we were miles away from reality.

I started my day by getting an awesome snuggle sesh with Nate in the morning and wifey started me off right and quickly got me a glass of Merlot from Oyster Bay. Despite wanting to keep it simple for Father’s Day, it’s still always nice to kick it up a notch, by adding in a nice bottle of wine to elevate the occasion just a tad bit more! Now don’t judge me, but when I’m on a vacation, whether it be for a day, weekend, or week, I usually enjoy a drink or two throughout the day. I mean who doesn’t? Now I’m not talking about spring break style drinking LOL, but just a few glasses throughout my day to keep me relaxed and as a constant reminder that it’s a special day!

After my snuggle sesh, we went straight to the pool! While loungin’ we ordered some pool-side snacks to go with our Oyster Bay. The Merlot paired so nicely with our maple honey smoked bacon slabs (drizzled with a balsamic glaze) and our honey drizzled goat cheese crostinis. Nate loved the bacon (but I guess who doesn’t love bacon) and I’m always a sucker for some crostini. Just having these sides paired with our glasses of merlot, in such a chic pool setting, really just made our pool time feel that much more special. I got to play with Nate in the pool and he got to show off by showing us how far he can swim. It’s so cute, because he’s becoming such a little fish when it comes to the water and is always pushing himself to see if he can swim from one end of the pool to the other. He impresses me every day! Shockingly he also actually let me and Sarina just lay and relax for a little…and that never happens! LOL Thanks Nate!

After getting dressed up and ready to head out for dinner, we got to enjoy a pre-dinner glass of wine while we checked out some of the cool art in the lobby and caught up on some sports on the T.V. in the lounge. This hotel had some really cool artwork and a lot of different design elements that made it fun to explore around. We just kind of kept a slow pace, taking in the hotel decor, strolling through the lobby, and sipping our Oyster Bay.

After dinner we head back to our room, and you guessed it, more snuggling was had, and Nate and I had our usual jumping on the bed session. I don’t know how all this sounds to an outsider, but to me, it really is all about the little things, and it was the perfect weekend. Playing in the pool with my boy, relaxing with a glass of Oyster Bay with my wife, exploring a new place or town with the family, catching a glimpse of sports on the T.V. together, and overall just taking it slow and enjoying each other….it’s these little things, with no work or home distractions, that really makes it feel special for me. I truly enjoy relaxing days like this that make me appreciate life. Thanks for my little Father’s Day getaway fam!

Family Reviews Style

Father’s Day With Angels Envy

Angels Envy

Angels Envy Father's Day Ideas Father's Day Ideas Father's Day Ideas NY Menswear Blog Father's Day Ideas NY Menswear Blogger Angels Envy Angels Envy Angels Envy

Fathers come in many shapes and sizes. Sometimes they’re not even your biological father. I lost my father when I was at the young age of 15. I didn’t have my father around at the most important time in my life…when I was starting to become a man. After he passed, it wasn’t for another 4 years before I had another man/father figure as part of my life. Luckily, my mother has great taste in men and met my now stepfather, Joe.

It took me awhile to warm up to him and I couldn’t get past how much I missed my father. I think what really allowed me to begin to accept him as part of the family was that he never tried to take my father’s place, but just always treated my mother right and was always there for me if I ever needed him. He really just became a friend. My mother and Joe have been together for 20 years now, and he is someone I look up to, enjoy being around, and value as a friend. I know if I ever need anything he is there for me.

One of the many things we now bond over is our love for whiskey! At every special occasion when we get together, we usually take turns bringing a new bottle and sharing it with each other. Or, sometimes we don’t even need the special occasion, and just want to share our new bottle with each other LOL. This Father’s day we decided to get together and bond over some fishing and some Angels Envy. Joe is a man’s man and loves the outdoors. He likes hiking, fishing, and overall just any activity where he’s one with nature, so a day of fishing and whiskey was right up his alley. I knew as soon as I mentioned my plans for the day, his eyes would light up, and I was right. We had way too much fun! He loves telling bad jokes LOL and most of the time I have to give a fake chuckle after the punchline, but that day, he was on point with the jokes!

Even though no one caught a fish that day, we still enjoyed ourselves. Angels Envy is hand crafted in small batches, and I feel like small batch whiskey always seems to be my favorite. Maybe they’re able to concentrate on the details more when the whiskey is made in small batches. Angels Envy is super smooth, even when drinking it neat, and we had no burning sensation. It has a nice after taste, is not bitter, and has a sweet under-note which made us want to keep drinking more. A little fact for the whiskey fans out there – they actually lose 5% of the batch each year letting it age for typically 6 years. The end result is worth the loss though! They then finish off the aging process in a port wine cask for another 3-6 months. Overall, us whiskey guys over here are a fan! It is very enjoyable and has a nice maple-vanilla smell.

After our little fishing outing, my step father took the bottle but wouldn’t leave until we made plans for an encore the following weekend…same place, same time, and same bottle of our Angels Envy. If you’re looking for a new whiskey to try out, look for the pretty wings on the bottle!