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Black Friday Deals app

Family Home Reviews

Black Friday Pre-Gaming With Flipp


This post is sponsored by Flipp, however all opinions are my own.

Everybody knows that Black Friday is the busiest shopping day of the year. Everyone is going crazy looking for the best deals, and who can blame them?

I mean let’s be honest, Christmas time can get expensive! I decided to stop running around the crowded mall this Black Friday and use my Flipp app to make saving money a lot less stressful. You can go right on the app homepage and see the Black Friday countdown – wow, only 2 days left! Then, under the countdown, you can find all the Black Friday circulars you need, with an easy call-out as to when the sales begin and when they end – to ensure you don’t miss out!

If you don’t see the store you’re looking for, simply search the specific store using the search tool. You can even search for a specific product! While browsing through flyers you can click on the products you want and they will be automatically added to your list. Hey, you might find a deal you weren’t looking for from the start! You’ll love how Flipp keeps the items in your Shopping List super organized.

Download the Flipp app now and plan your Black Friday shopping (once your belly is maxed out from turkey) right from the comfort of your couch so that you can find the best deals and have a game plan BEFORE you go to the stores. And, even if you have the urge to hit up the malls on Friday, don’t run around like Nate and I did…sit back in the food court with some hot cocoa and let Flipp help you find the best deals first!