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Weekend Roadtrip

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BlueCollarPrep in Boston

BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston BlueCollarPrep in Boston

As much as my family and I would love to go to the Caribbean every weekend LOL, we realize that’s not possible, so we like to take Nate on little road trips, visiting the surrounding states and exploring areas we’ve never been to before. When we got the opportunity to stay at The Revere Hotel in Boston we were super excited! We actually had plans to visit Boston previously, but never actually made the move and went. We have always heard so much about the city and how beautiful and clean it is. It’s definitely different than NYC but great and a little quaint in its own way. We started our trip, as we always try to do when we visit a new city, and headed straight to where Nate can go nuts and have fun – the Boston Children’s Museum. As anyone with a toddler knows sometimes you just have to bribe your kid 🙂 We know that Nate doesn’t always want to shop and eat his way through a city like we want to, (LOL) so letting him have his fun first is always the plan! The Museum is right on the water and across the bay from the very cool looking Boston Tea Party Museum. Right when you enter the museum you’re greeted with a huge 3-story climbing jungle gym. It was pretty cool in the fact that it almost looked like a giant piece of artwork – so the fact that kids could actually climb in it all the way to the top was pretty amazing. Nate could’ve spent all day in there! On one of the floors they had these very cool water tables where kids can learn about the flow of water and play with boats. There are too many stations to list them all, but it’s definitely very interactive and hands-on while incorporating both learning and fun. Nate is still talking about how he wants to go back! After the museum and all that running around and learning, there was really only one place to go and that was Kane’s Donuts. I might be somewhat of a donut junkie because I always Google famous donut shops in the area wherever I’m headed! The Cookies and Cream donut was my family’s favorite! We then finally made our way to The Revere Hotel. It was in a great location and the lobby had some really cool musical artifacts, including a signed B.B. King guitar! Once we got to the room Nate and I did what we always do when we first arrive at a hotel…we jump on the beds and attack mommy with tickles LOL (No mommies were hurt during this) We had a nice balcony with a cool skyline view from our room and could see the rooftop lounge right below. It looked amazing, but unfortunately we had the rainiest of weekends and didn’t get to utilize it. The hotel is actually also going under some renovations and updates so we didnt’ get to see the indoor swimming pool, but doubt we would’ve had time for swimming anyways, as we were constantly on the move all weekend! Aside for all the food and shopping we did, we wanted to make one of the evenings there a little different, so we decided to take Nate to Blue Man Group. I actually took my wife to see this on our very first date together, so it was a little nostalgic for us, now taking Nathan to it for his very first show. He loved it! A week after we got home we caught him trying to throw mini muffins in his mouth, and then realized he had seen it at blue man group with marshmallows LOL Our last day in Boston we enjoyed an amazing chocolate bar & brunch and finally did some of the historic exploring. We walked the Freedom Trail, saw some of the famous burial grounds, and squeezed in a little park time even though it was still drizzling. Surprisingly, Nathan actually enjoyed himself and asked more questions than you would think a 4 year old would about history LOL. Overall Boston was a great little weekend adventure and the The Revere Hotel was a beautiful hotel to stay at. The staff was also very welcoming and gave my son a little stuffed lobster with ‘Boston’ written on it, right when we arrived. He officially named his lobster Boston, just like he named his turtle Cayman (for Grand Cayman)…unique Nate haha. We’re already anxious for the next adventure that comes our way. Stay tuned!