Fathers come in many shapes and sizes. Sometimes they’re not even your biological father. I lost my father when I was at the young age of 15. I didn’t have my father around at the most important time in my life…when I was starting to become a man. After he passed, it wasn’t for another 4 years before I had another man/father figure as part of my life. Luckily, my mother has great taste in men and met my now stepfather, Joe.
It took me awhile to warm up to him and I couldn’t get past how much I missed my father. I think what really allowed me to begin to accept him as part of the family was that he never tried to take my father’s place, but just always treated my mother right and was always there for me if I ever needed him. He really just became a friend. My mother and Joe have been together for 20 years now, and he is someone I look up to, enjoy being around, and value as a friend. I know if I ever need anything he is there for me.
One of the many things we now bond over is our love for whiskey! At every special occasion when we get together, we usually take turns bringing a new bottle and sharing it with each other. Or, sometimes we don’t even need the special occasion, and just want to share our new bottle with each other LOL. This Father’s day we decided to get together and bond over some fishing and some Angels Envy. Joe is a man’s man and loves the outdoors. He likes hiking, fishing, and overall just any activity where he’s one with nature, so a day of fishing and whiskey was right up his alley. I knew as soon as I mentioned my plans for the day, his eyes would light up, and I was right. We had way too much fun! He loves telling bad jokes LOL and most of the time I have to give a fake chuckle after the punchline, but that day, he was on point with the jokes!
Even though no one caught a fish that day, we still enjoyed ourselves. Angels Envy is hand crafted in small batches, and I feel like small batch whiskey always seems to be my favorite. Maybe they’re able to concentrate on the details more when the whiskey is made in small batches. Angels Envy is super smooth, even when drinking it neat, and we had no burning sensation. It has a nice after taste, is not bitter, and has a sweet under-note which made us want to keep drinking more. A little fact for the whiskey fans out there – they actually lose 5% of the batch each year letting it age for typically 6 years. The end result is worth the loss though! They then finish off the aging process in a port wine cask for another 3-6 months. Overall, us whiskey guys over here are a fan! It is very enjoyable and has a nice maple-vanilla smell.
After our little fishing outing, my step father took the bottle but wouldn’t leave until we made plans for an encore the following weekend…same place, same time, and same bottle of our Angels Envy. If you’re looking for a new whiskey to try out, look for the pretty wings on the bottle!